Monday, December 30, 2019

Barge Date:  08-28-2019

Too Early a Return to US

We returned from our train travels to find the barge high and dry and all work completed. We spent the night on the boat but by 9am it was on the short trip to the water.  Just like it came out it went back in.  This was a Friday so we asked if we could stay tied at the ramp.  Of course we have to pay for the work which is always a downer.

We had a last meal in SJdL that evening.  Most note that this little town has better restaurants than Auxonne.

On Saturday we set off for Auxonne and our winter mooring.  I have to say that the cleaning of the hull to remove junk and those little snails seemed to make a good difference in our speed.  For this trip we were going against the river current and it seemed to run faster at our normal rpm.

Arrival in Auxonne had us mooring at a temporary spot until the captain could move some boats around.  He is already getting boats in for the end of the summer season. So the time is right for starting to get deck items stored.  I changed the oil in the engine in 20 minutes;  do love that new spin-on filter.

Our final spot in the marina was a bit of a challenge. But slow is pro and with the help of several people we were able to our slip, rotate clockwise and back into our spot; just a few slips from the marina office. Got a complement from someone about the good handling.

Proceeded to do work.  The engine cooling system has part of the flow using canal water.  This has to be purged of water and then add anti-freeze.  With help of another boater we got this done.  The water tanks needed to be drained.  This is always a concern for me.  Am I doing enough?  This year I was able to purchase some food grade anti-freeze and this I added to the main port tank once I could no longer get water purged.  Will have to flush this out next year.  The forward water tanks were emptied.  I wait to do  the toilets to the last.

My bike, for some reason, had a flat.  I was able to change the tube but on a return from the brico I got a second flat.  I had checked the rim prior to the new tube but I am guessing there is something there that is causing the trouble.  It will have a flat all winter.

We leave hoping all is correct but I worry each year when I walk away. So another year in the log book.  Hope to be back in April, 2020.