Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Barge Date:  8-5-2017

A Down Day - Let us hear from you

We have made an attempt to notify family and friends about our European adventure. If you find time to read our posts, please let us know we have your ear.  I have a gmail.com account that has my tim name and the last name horchler with a period in between;  no spaces. (think that will hold off the email bots?) If you have stumbled onto the blog, say hello.

Out biking a few days ago and the phone rang.  Sandy S. calling from South Carolina.  First non-family phone call.  Thanks, Sandy.  Call the house to get the Belgian number or send me an email.

We have decided to stay tied to the commercial for today.  So I am doing simple tasks, such as determining light bulb types and wattages. Over time and owners there have been some changes but nothing ever thrown away.  All lights in the living quarters and ceiling light in the wheelhouse are 24 volt.  Some are small at 10 watts and others can go as high as 60 watts.  But one always has to consider battery drain so no more power than is needed. I think I can throw out some (but will I?).

It is working day on the water and there have been a number of large commercials passing by as well
as some fiberglass cruisers.  Seems the smaller boats make more wake than the big guys. In the picture you can see what looks like a lock door.  In fact, it is used to control water in the canal.

My six-month-old mouse died.  I don't like working with the touch pad on this PC so, as soon as I can, I will be looking for one. Where is a FNAC store when you need one?

Yesterday, while moving along the canal, I saw numerous Nazi pillboxes along the southern side of the canal. Most likely sealed up but
from the outside they looked in reasonably good condition.  I want to get the chance to see them closer. The spacing had them maybe 1km apart. A lot of space in between for the Allies to get through I would think. Will do some research. The canal would certainly slow down any advance.  Perhaps the Germans had already retreated and thus the fortifications were not destroyed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim! It sounds like a beautiful adventure. Your tales of biking excursions, trips down the canals, stops at cafes, beautiful old sites, technical and administrative challenges make me feel like I am right there.However...I can not believe you are taking Marianne away for the summer. We will miss her greatly. We can only hope you will keep up the blogs so we can follow you both remotely.
