Thursday, April 25, 2019

Barge Date:  25-04-2019

Ready to officially start the new year

We have just concluded a shake out cruise to see if Lionel is ready for the challenge of this year. Made a run south from Strasbourg, stayed overnight at a closed marina, and came back.  All went well.

My original thought had us leaving a week ago, but Easter put a slow down on this idea.  In order to get south and on to the Rhone au Rhin canal we must venture out on the Rhine River which in this area is canalized.  The rules for the Rhine, even this portion in France, requires the boat and helmsman to have advanced licenses, something that I do not have. Oddly, the rule is this:  if the boat is over 15 meters you need the extras;  if under 15 meters, anyone can venture forth and cause havoc.  So in order to get to the headway of the Rhone au Rhin, we need a pilot to be with us.  We have arranged this, and Marianne had a good talk with him.  He could not do it this past weekend as it is a 4-day holiday in France.  The earliest he could do it was this coming Friday, May 26.

One of two things will happen.  He will either come on board with us for the 2-day trip, or we will lash Lionel to his ship.  Either/or, it takes 2 days.  Should be an experience. Stand by for pictures from the Rhine.

Even though it seems we are leaving late, the amount of work on board has kept me busy.  Trying to finish up all the little tasks so I can clean up for our pilot.  The last job is to see if the window screens I made this past winter will work.  I knew that I would need to make a final fit adjustment and trying to do that now.  Lack of wood tools is a problem.  But if I can do one well and then find that it fits all 12 windows, then I will bring them all back home, make a final template and get everything done prior to the return to France.

Marianne has been hitting all the bookstores in town looking for books of interest, particularly by or about writer Romain Gary, but also children's books.  Perhaps I can announce here that we, at  our advanced age, will soon be grandparents.  Later in June a granddaughter will arrive.  So books for kids, young kids, are piling up. 

I have spent a lot of time in Strasbourg,  so there is not much I have not seen or done.  We have yet to have an outrageous ice cream treat.  We tried to open a French bank account without success.  Our boat is not "home" enough for them.  Time to leave and get on the Rhine.

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