Sunday, July 14, 2019

Barge Date:  07-13-2019

Toul Again

I have tried not to cover the same canal, but we could not avoid the city of Toul. We were there last July / August, but there is no way to take the boat some other way to get on the Vosges Canal.

Anyway a second look at the city proved fortunate, and I will let the pictures do some talking.

Remember - click on a picture and they will all get large and you can scroll through them all. And don't forget Marianne's FB pictures and notes:

Cleaning weeds from the port.

This and others show the old walled defense.


Yes, we are back in stork land.

And Marianne found this concert in Toul.

Had to wait leaving town for Amigo

Leaving Toul, we are headed south and will be on a large canal system for a day.  Not many locks but very large ones - 185 meters long.  We were the only boat in the locks when we needed to move up the river - part of the Moselle.

New lock gates; perhaps extras.  But it is the gates that boats hit.

An overnight stop in Richardmenil.

I kind of liked this old farmstead.

Parts of the Vosges have these nice plane trees.

The town of Charmes where we will do July 14 celebrations.

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