Sunday, July 18, 2021


Barge Date:  07-16-2021

A Few Locks, Stop, a Few Locks, Stop




Don't forget Marianne's FB site for lots more photos.


We have been in the rainy village of Gissey-sur-Ouche for a day and half doing little if anything. Just us
and 2 large barges tied up at the VNF. Told by our new VNF friend that these barges are owned by VNF. Why they would need such items I do not know. Maybe seized in a drug raid.

 Since we entered this canal we have had VNF workers traveling with us to set up the lock as we approach and to re-set the lock after we pull out.

This means they control how hard and fast the water is let into the lock; we are going up hill so they are always filling the lock for us. Here is a video of a typical rush of water. Is it too much too fast? For our barge, its weight and shape, you can see that it holds a steady place on the wall. The water rushes past us, hits the rear doors then bounces back up the other wall.  Sometimes there can be a different story but for the most part we seem to handle the water well.  But you have to stay with the rope just in case; no wandering about. I suppose if we asked for a slower fill they would do it.






A few other updates. Here is a picture of the finished bow mast. Kind of a busy place. If you look
closely you can see the radio antenna going up the mast then extending above it. Mast should never come close to the top of a tunnel or bridge.  I just have to keep an eye and ear out for those close calls. Click on the picture for the original size if that helps.




On the inside I have installed two old brass lamps in the wheelhouse.  For looks only. But a bit interesting.

We found our first canal travelers today.  Mark and Annie on Anna. They are taking their time going south to have their boat taken into a dry dock for inspection.  They have two big fluffy dogs on board.

Took a walk around La Bussiere-sur-Ouche, our current stop. Here are some pictures.

There is an old abbey close to the canal that is now a hotel and restaurant.  Only for the high rollers.  A nice suite will go for 600 euros per night.  Dinner starts at 99 euros and one of their wine bottles, they suggest for you, is only 290 euros. The grounds are very nice but you have to look over a wall when it is low enough to see the sights.  Front gate is controlled from inside and they obviously have cameras to watch who might sneek in. I waved.

Have stopped for the day in Pont d'Ouche. Supposed to have two eating places;  found both closed due to COVID. No bakery. The marina that is here is lacking, but new owners announced for 2022 who will also run one of the restaurants.

Will do 11 locks next day.

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